Captaloans Adds Debt Settlement to CRM

Mark J

Updated · Feb 11, 2011

Captaloans has recently announced a new capability to its pipeline tracking and CRM program that will aid lawyers, paralegals, and similar professionals better help their clients with debt resolution issues. As note din this news release, the new debt tool allows lawyers and paralegals to add creditor and balance information, keep track of communication with clients, creditors, and others, and enter scheduled tasks and reminders. There is also a built-in tool to calculate payments and a schedule.

“As of March, 2010, in the US total revolving debt (98 percent of which is credit card debt) was $852.6 billion and the average credit card debt per household was $15,788. Another indicator of the massive debt problem is total bankruptcy filings. For 2010 (for the 12 month period measured on 9/30/10) they were up 13.8 percent over the same time period in 2009. And in April, 2010, the number of credit card defaults climbed to 9.14 percent, the highest since the index was first calculated in 2004. These are crushing statistics.

“All of these statistics are indicators of a major need for people to get help with their debt. While bankruptcy and other programs exist, one very common avenue many take is to work with their creditors (credit card companies) to get some sort of debt resolution and the best way to do that is with the help of a professional legal firm.

“Captaloans new debt resolution capability is designed to help legal professionals. Captaloans easy to use interface allows convenient tracking of leads and clients for debt related problems with intuitive entry and update of all necessary client and financial information. The new debt tool allows lawyers and paralegals to add creditor and balance information, keep track of communication with clients, creditors, and others, and enter scheduled tasks and reminders. There is also a built-in tool to calculate payments and a schedule.”

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