Don’t Let Fear Ruin a Successful CRM Implementation

Mark J

Updated · Jan 07, 2011

If the front-line people are ready, and the technology is ready, what's keeping many businesses from launching a CRM revolution? CRM Buyer calls this condition the ‘C-level fear' and suggests that too many executives operate from a position of fear when it comes to the customer.

“Far too many executives operate from a position of fear when it comes to the customer. They continue to debate the idea that the customer is now in control of the relationship, because the loss of control is scary to them.

“As a result, they soft-pedal emerging technologies, kicking the can down the road to a time not when their organizations are ready for change — because that time is now — but to a time when they have come to grips with how the customer is changing, and how that changes the expectations and duties of a C-level executive.

“They're afraid of making investments that don't pay off, and they'd rather find themselves too far behind the competition than seem too far ahead of the technology curve.”

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