eGain Presents a Solution for an Overflowing Inbox Staff

Updated · Jun 05, 2001

by Staff

Global companies that have trouble managing copious amounts of e-mail and Web submission forms now have a solution. eGain Communications Corporation has released eGain Mail Global — a new e-mail management product that provides support for inbound and outbound e-mails in multiple languages.

eGain's international capabilities extend to other products, such as eGain Knowledge, a robust knowledge management system, and eGain Campaign, an outbound e-mail marketing application. Used in conjunction with eGain Mail Global these products are capable of delivering multilingual online customer service worldwide.

“Globalization is the next step in the evolution of the Internet, and is the next step for eGain,” said Gunjan Sinha, president of eGain Communications. “As a company that derives 25 percent of its revenues from outside North America, we clearly see that English-only and language-specific systems cannot meet global online service needs. Companies like Vodafone, HSBC Bank and Barclays Bank want to provide quick, consistent service from anywhere in the world through a wide variety of communication channels. eGain is committed to providing powerful eService solutions for companies that serve customers worldwide.”

eGain Mail Global's multiple language capability presents many advantages over single language solutions:

  • eGain Mail Global recognizes and stores content written in multiple languages in a single database, allowing both support agents and customers to work in the language of their choice.
  • eGain Mail Global supports language-based routing for sending incoming e-mails to the appropriate customer service representatives.
  • Customers can send e-mail in any language they wish and it will be automatically routed to the appropriate agents.
  • Multi-language customer service agents can work in their native language, even while they support customers in multiple languages.

Additional functionality includes: a scalable, Web-based architecture; an intuitive user interface; comprehensive agent console; integrated knowledge base; and built-in features for system monitoring and archiving. Add-on options include eGain Commerce Bridge for fast no-programming integration with company data, CRM, personalization and back office systems.

eGain Mail Global is currently available with localized user interfaces for Japanese, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese and Korean. Localized user interfaces for French, Dutch, German, and Spanish will be available later this year.

Headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., eGain has operating presence in 18 countries and serves over 750 enterprise customers on a worldwide basis — including AOL Time Warner, Charles Schwab and Verizon.

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