Five E-mail Marketing Tips Staff

Updated · Jan 14, 2009

It's no secret that 2009 will be a challenging year for business owners. As the line between success and failure shrinks, it pays to make the most of your marketing efforts. E-mail marketing, when done well, is a highly effective tool to drive sales and to build customer loyalty.
As the head of marketing at, an e-mail marketing solutions provider based in Canada, Luc Vezina knows a thing or two about e-mail marketing. Vezina sent us his top five suggestions on how to improve the results you get in your 2009 e-mail marketing campaigns.

1. Clean Your E-mail List

Maintaining a clean list is a challenge for businesses of all sizes, especially small business owners who often don't have dedicated staff to handle such tasks. Start fresh by scrubbing your list before sending your first campaign of the New Year. You'll improve your e-mail marketing performance, your reputation and your deliverability rates. The first step is make sure your unsubscribe requests are up-to-date.

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