GuestLogix Releases OnTouch Analytics for Airline Industry

Mark J

Updated · Mar 29, 2011

GuestLogix, Inc. (TSX:GXI) recently released OnTouch Analytics, an analytics platform created for the airline industry. As noted by the company in this Market Wire news release, the solution is designed to provide airline operators with valuable business intelligence to effectively manage onboard sales and identify consumer spending patterns, OnTouch Analytics provides data to help identify and grow ancillary revenues.

“With OnTouch Analytics, an airline can easily view and track sales of their entire onboard retail operation, across any fleet size through easy-to-use performance scoring algorithms. The cloud-based technology platform, accessed by tablet and mobile devices, alerts users for opportunities to improve overall sales performance through an interactive dashboard, dynamic reporting with drill-down capabilities and email notification alerts.

“As the industry leader in onboard store technology covering 40% of the global airline market, GuestLogix is in a unique position to scale and standardized business intelligence modules in the OnTouch Analytics platform across its client base in order to reduce development costs and shorten time to market. OnTouch Analytics can also be integrated with an Airline's non-GuestLogix onboard retail solution.”

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