IBM, Oracle and SAP Pressured by Low-Priced Business Intelligence

Mark J

Updated · Feb 03, 2011

IBM (NYSE: IBM), Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) and SAP (NYSE: SAP) remain in the leaders quadrant of Gartner's latest Magic Quadrant for business intelligence, according to Information Week, but lower-cost and easy-to-use tools are gaining favor with BI users. Among the challengers gaining ground are QlikTech, Tableau and Tibco, according to the report.

“IBM, Oracle and SAP (along with Microsoft) remain in the analyst firm's prized upper-right Leaders Quadrant. And they still dominate BI marketshare, the report finds. But non-IT buyers are gravitating to easy-to-use data discovery tools, which moved up in the report.

“And bowing to growing customer demand, Gartner has added several low-cost BI platforms to its Quadrant for the first time.

“The key finding in the report is that there's a growing BI market bifurcation, with IT favoring stack standards while business users are choosing innovative data discovery tools.”

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