Marketo Revs Customer Engagement Engine

Pedro Hernandez

Updated · Jun 12, 2013

Marketo launched its new Customer Engagement Engine today, a product that the company claims enables marketers to distribute the right content to the right person at the proper time.

The San Mateo, Calif.-based provider of cloud-based marketing software baked automated management capabilities and intelligence features into Customer Engagement. The technology is meant to help businesses deliver email marketing messages that resonate with customers, at precisely the time when they make the most impact.

Marketo CEO Phil Fernandez argues that current email marketing solutions and workflows are simply too cumbersome. “Before this new innovation from Marketo, every marketing automation and campaign management system on the market – frankly, including our own – required marketers to create complex logic to coordinate the flow of rich and relevant content to each individual customer,” he said in a company statement.

To correct this, Marketo embarked on infusing its software with automated processes, drag-and-drop simplicity and machine learning-enhanced metrics.

With Customer Engagement, marketers don't have to reinvent the wheel each time campaigns are launched or changed. Users can drag new or modified marketing content into the platform's automated Smart Streams delivery system without rebuilding workflows or undergoing complicated setups.

Depending on the customer's profile and past exposure to a firm's marketing efforts, the system will then automatically set the timing and types of messages that are delivered to the customer. Built-in customer communications monitoring and alerting features along with email frequency limits help marketers avoid sending obsolete or duplicate messaging, or worse, spamming customers. The system can also warn of an impending drought of marketing materials.

Anchoring the platform's metrics functionality is the company's Engagement Score, which is powered by the company’s proprietary machine learning algorithms. Engagement Score provides “a single measure of the overall impact of content on customer engagement and results,” boasts Marketo. For marketers, it eliminates the tedium of gathering and interpreting data (click rates, email opens and unsubscribes) to derive insights into the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Marketo Customer Engagement is available now.

Pedro Hernandez is a contributing editor at Enterprise Apps Today and Follow him on Twitter @ecoINSITE.

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  • Pedro Hernandez
    Pedro Hernandez

    Pedro Hernandez contributes to Enterprise Apps Today, and 11Press, the technology network. He was previously the managing editor of, an IT-related website network. He has expertise in Smart Tech, CRM, and Mobile Tech, Helping Banks and Fintechs, Telcos and Automotive OEMs, and Healthcare and Identity Service Providers to Protect Mobile Apps.

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