New Trends for CRM Solutions

Mark J

Updated · Jan 10, 2011

CRM solutions providers such as Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT), Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL), Salesforce (NYSE: CRM), RightNow and NetSuite were all gaining in the second half of the year. As noted in this TMCnet report, companies that can produce products to improve processes, save money or make money will prosper in the marketplace.

“There are definitely a few trends that could easily emerge in 2011 in the CRM solutions space. For one thing, companies are searching for CRM systems as new business processes and better economics prove to be significant business cases for implementation. Conventional vendors such as Oracle and SAP will still play a role, yet this market will provide considerable opportunity for players such as NetSuite (News – Alert), RightNow, and others. The CRM solutions space will also enjoy growth in cloud computing.”

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