Nextel to Offer AOL’s Instant Messenger
As part of a new marketing agreement between Nextel Communications, Inc. and America Online, Inc., Nextel will offer its wireless customers access to AOL's services and features, including e-mail and instant messages. In addition, Nextel will promote its products and services across several of AOL Time Warner's
, AOL's New York-based parent company, online, print and television brands. Nextel will also place software for the AOL service in its retail outlets.
The Reston, Va.-based Nextel and Nextel Partners, Inc., currently serve 197 of the top 200 U.S. markets. Through recent market launches, Nextel and Nextel Partners service is available in areas of the U.S. where approximately 230 million people live or work. In addition, through NII Holdings, Inc., wireless services are provided outside of Nextel's domestic markets, primarily in selected Latin American markets.
“A large number of our members and users of our interactive brands own wireless phones and are increasingly looking for ways to access their favorite features like instant messaging when they are on the go,” said Lisa Hook, president of AOL Anywhere. “Working with Nextel we're going to offer them the convenience and ease-of-use that they expect, while introducing more consumers to our robust and valuable mobile offerings.”
AOL's popular instant messaging service already has more than 140 million registered users. In addition, Nextel customers will have access to AOL mail, news, driving directions, and local event and entertainment information via AOL's interactive brands, including MapQuest and Moviefone.
“This agreement allows us to increase the services that we currently offer our consumers, giving them quick access to America Online's popular features as they utilize Nextel's always on 2.5G packet data network,” said Greg Santoro, vice president of Internet and wireless services at Nextel. “Consumers are increasingly looking for information on the go and we're pleased to take our mobile information services to the next level with an industry leader.”
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