RedSheriff, SageMetrics Team Up

Christopher Saunders

Updated · Mar 15, 2002

Internet measurement firms RedSheriff and SageMetrics will be partnering to jointly better promote their services to business clients.

The deal will see RedSheriff providing its site traffic-measurement and analysis service, while North Hollywood, Calif.-based SageMetrics will bring to the table its focus on combining consumer data culled from point-of-sale, CRM and online channels.

As a result, the two firms plan to sell an all-in-one customer data mining product to clients. It will combine information from Web browsers, server logs, and CRM and sales systems — ideally, to offer marketers and executives a more complete picture of their customers and their business.

For Sydney, Australia-based RedSheriff, the value of the deal is in the expanded services it can offer beyond its browser-based metrics business. Similarly to firms like WebSideStory, RedSheriff's services rely on embedded code in clients' Web pages to track visitors and glean information from them. Now, its clients will be able to integrate that data with information from other channels.

The move also expands the market for each firm. RedSheriff already has a presence in dozens of countries, while SageMetrics has an established base in the U.S. and Europe.

“Our relationship with SageMetrics will give our existing client base of over 600 clients in 37 countries, further insight into their online businesses,” said RedSheriff Chief Executive Richard Webb. “This relationship is something that has been needed in the marketplace for quite some time and we are pleased to be leading the market.”

Additionally, there's an opportunity for upselling to existing clients: SageMetrics handles work for L'Oreal, Philips, Tesco, Chello Broadband,, Cox Interactive Media and E.W. Scripps. Six-year-old RedSheriff services MSN, Lycos, News International and Forbes, and has close relationships with agency conglomerate WPP Group , researchers Taylor Nelson Sofres and the Audit Bureau of Circulations.

The deal comes amid a rash of efforts by the major players in online traffic measurement to deepen their services, allowing for greater levels of integration with other aspects of clients' businesses. Jupiter Media Metrix , for instance, has begun offering tools to integrate its panel-based traffic data with ad campaign reach and frequency planning tools.

WebSideStory, likewise, last month upgraded its HitBox Enterprise service to provide audience segmentation and ROI analysis tools to clients. Also in February, rival NetIQ struck an agreement with database marketer Quadstone to jointly offer tools for segmenting and modeling site visitors.

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