Sage Supplies CRM System to Plastics Extrusion Firm

Mark J

Updated · Sep 22, 2010

Boomer, a plastics extrusion company, has invested in a Sage CRM System. According to this report on Manufacturing Talk, Sage has supplied Boomer with a 16-user Sage 1000 integrated CRM business management system for its newly expanded production facility. As noted in the article, Boomer claims that its staff's reaction time, ability to provide accurate information and delivery of quality customer service have all improved dramatically.

“Service levels have increased by making it easier to give accurate, timely information from across the business to customers.

“The system also incorporates workflow, so managers can define the process for handling customer queries, for example, and prompt staff to take the correct next step.

“‘Late payments were historically an issue for us,' said Boomer's financial director, Andrew Wallace.”

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