SAS to Help Connecticut Report on Student Data

Mark J

Updated · Jul 16, 2010

The Connecticut State Department of Education says it will use SAS to integrate, analyze and report on student assessment data, including school accountability data, with the goal of identifying factors important to student success. As noted in this Business Wire news release, SAS software for K-12 will help the agency analyze and use student assessment data, including the application of student growth models, to assist schools and districts in several areas.

“‘SAS software, plus the vast experience SAS brings to the K-12 arena, will help Connecticut better educate its students, enhance schooling effectiveness and build a more productive 21st-century work force,' said Dr. Robert J. Lucco, Chief, Connecticut State Department of Education Bureau of Student Assessment.

“SAS software for K-12 will help the agency analyze and use student assessment data, including the application of student growth models, to assist schools and districts in several areas. The state DOE will use SAS tools to explore ways of improving student test scores and graduation rates, better prepare students for college and the work force, recruit and retain the best teachers, and determine which programs help students reach their educational goals.”

Read the Full News Release at Business Wire

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