Tips for Understanding CRM Vendor Proposals
If a significant CRM system project is on your agenda in this new fiscal year, this Network World article offers a checklist of items that you need to look out for in vendor proposals.
“1. A project plan focused on user adoption. As I've written endlessly in this column, a CRM system without active users and a rich set of data is just an empty shell. This is not a matter of training or even indoctrination. In the project plan, every delivery phase should be focused on things that will attract communities of users because the new features will inherently make their job easier.
“2. Incremental delivery. As I've also written here, CRM requirements tend to change more rapidly (and more radically) than other enterprise software. The project should be delivering functionality and data incrementally, so the business users see the system becoming more valuable at least once a quarter. With a SaaS system, the project should be able to deliver something of value to the business at least every six weeks, almost no matter how big the project is.”
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