ZeOmega’s Jiva Offers CRM Integration
ZeOmega has announced that its integrated care management platform, Jiva, now includes core Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functions. According to the company in this Business Wire news release, the new CRM features will enable health plans and other payer organizations to deploy a platform that facilitates seamless collaboration between their customer service and care management teams.
“Through this offering Jiva enables customer service and care management teams to obtain a consolidated view of the member information including call and service history, alerts, claims, benefits, appeals and grievances. Customer service representatives can now leverage member information at point of service to address member requests more effectively and collaborate with care teams seamlessly.
“Payers recognize that member touch points with customer service representatives can also be structured to gather information and take appropriate actions to influence a member's behavior for a better outcome. As an example, a member can call into the health plan call center with a question about a claim payment. If the customer service representative accesses the member's record for information on the claim and sees that there is a ‘Gap in Care' alert, once the member's claim payment question is answered the customer service representative can inform the member that they would like to transfer the member over to a health coach or nurse for some important information about their medical care. Upon approval by member, the customer service representative can complete a warm transfer into care management.”
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