Enterprise Apps Hangout: Clear Advice on Cloud Apps

Ann All

Updated · Jan 22, 2015

Enterprise applications in the cloud are a no-brainer for business organizations and end users, thanks to their flexibility, speed of deployment and ease of use. In many if not most cases, business organizations can buy enterprise cloud apps with no assistance from IT organizations. But IT organizations must deal with a lot of back-end complexity to offer that kind of front-end simplicity. The cloud presents new application management challenges related to reliability, data security and integration with on-premise apps.

QuinStreet Enterprise editors from sites like Enterprise Apps Today, eWEEK, CIO Insight, Baseline Mag, and Datamation regularly discuss these challenges with industry analysts, vendors, thought leaders and companies of all sizes. Join the editors for a live Google Hangout streaming here at 1:30 pm ET on Feb. 5, during which they will share their perspectives and common-sense advice on application management.

  • Management Software
  • Ann All
    Ann All

    Public relations, digital marketing, journalism, copywriting. I have done it all so I am able to communicate any information in a professional manner. Recent work includes creating compelling digital content, and applying SEO strategies to increase website performance. I am a skilled copy editor who can manage budgets and people.

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