12 Tips for a Successful CRM System

Mark J

Updated · Nov 08, 2010

Surprisingly, a high percentage of CRM implementations fail to produce the expected results and ROI,
according to this Biz Community article. To ensure a successful CRM implementation, the article also offers 12 tips to help avoid some potentially costly pitfalls and disastrous mistakes when choosing, implementing or upgrading a CRM system.

“Don't put the cart before the horse and start evaluating CRM solutions before you have worked out what business problems you are trying to solve. You should be able to translate your needs based on your business methodology and priorities into the technology requirements. Clarify, define and document exactly what business goals you want your customer relationship management system to deliver on. Do you want to
optimize your sales process, enhance and track your marketing initiatives, improve customer service, or all three? Ideally these objectives should be specific, measurable and realistic. This is also a good opportunity to evaluate and document your existing business processes and the quality of your existing data. If necessary, seek the assistance of an independent CRM specialist. Do not underestimate the amount of work involved at this early stage.”

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