Azuqua Aims to Eliminate CRM Data Silos

Vangie Beal

Updated · Nov 25, 2015

Many CRM vendors are striving to offer more user-friendly interfaces to make their software more useful. While this is a positive trend, there are limits to how much an interface can improve CRM without improved integration between CRM and other customer-facing applications.

In an effort to tackle this issue, integration platform-as-a-service provider Azuqua this week introduced a solution that aims to eliminate data silos create by disparate CRM, marketing automation, customer service and support applications.

While fragmentation can be found throughout enterprise software portfolios, it is an especially big issue with CRM. Netskope's 2015 Cloud Report found that the average enterprise uses over 100 applications across marketing and CRM. Three-quarters of respondents to an eConsultancy survey cited “moving data among systems” as among the most painful marketing challenges.

The new Azuqua for Customer Success solution features integrations for more than 40 applications popular with sales, marketing and customer support teams, including FullContact, Gainsight, Marketo, Salesforce, Workfront and Zendesk, and 15 purpose-built workflows.

The worklows include:

  • Capturing and recording customer success milestones and exceptions from implementation, onboarding, training and consulting
  • Centralizing account and contact data across all systems of engagement, from support to marketing to online communities
  • Integrating with external customer success data sources such as FullContact to automatically add data to account and contact records
  • Monitoring for important customer success events or actions and sending alerts in near real-time via email, text or instant messaging.
  • Ensuring that new or updated account and contact data is updated in support, consulting, training, marketing, community and other applications
  • Keeping tasks and issues up-to-date across applications

“A well-oiled customer success machine requires that your apps work in tandem to get consistent data instantly distributed across all possible customer touch-points. Relevance and timeliness matters, so when disconnected apps inject delays and mistakes, that translates into lost revenue,” said Nikhil Hasija, CEO and co-founder at Azuqua, in a statement. “Our solution alleviates your pain by ensuring data from accounts and contacts is consistent in every app, user notifications and alerts are timely, and hand-offs are accurate.”

Azuqua for Customer Success is available now starting at $250 per month. A free trial of the software is available from the company's website.

  • CRM
  • News
  • Vangie Beal
    Vangie Beal

    Vangie is a freelance technology writer who covers Internet technologies, online business, and other topics for over 15 years. SEO Content Writer with high-quality organic search results. Professional freelance technology writer with over 15 years experience. - Understands the technology trends in SMB and Enterprise markets. - Proficient in email marketing and social media campaigns. - Trusted and respected voice in small business marketing via e-commerce. - Knowledgeable in how to incorporate sales initiatives and assets into articles or Web content. Experienced social media marketer. Specialties: SEO. Electronic commerce, small businesses, Internet. Computers, servers, networking. Computer science. Terms, terminology. Social media, email marketing. Mobile apps. Operating systems. Software and hardware. Interviews, tips, advice, guides and feature articles. Marketing, slideshows, how-to guides. Search engine tools.

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