BellSouth Selects Visual Networks
BellSouth Internet Services has selected Visual Networks' (NASDAQ:VNWK) Visual IP InSight performance management solution to enhance the service and support BellSouth provides to its Internet dial customers and extend its internal network-monitoring capabilities and processes.
Visual IP InSight allows BellSouth Internet Services to monitor connections and proactively identify and address connectivity issues. In addition, if customers experience any issues getting connected to the Internet, Visual IP InSight will automatically provide assistance from one of the 150 help screens designed to identify and resolve connection problems without having to contact BellSouth for technical assistance.
BellSouth has also deployed Visual IP InSight's PoP (Point of Presence) Checker application at PoPs located throughout the BellSouth region. The PoP Checker application proactively tests the performance and availability at each location for call failure rates, time to login and connection speeds, enabling BellSouth to make a proactive identification of potential user connection issues.
With 40 million software agents already deployed on workstations around the world, Visual IP InSight is one of the most widely used IP service management solutions for monitoring the connectivity and performance of Internet-based dial, dedicated and broadband IP network services to the edge of the network.
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