Business Analytics, Business Intelligence Top Software Last year
According to IT Jungle's report, Business intelligence, analytics, and performance management software accounted for $9.3 billion in 2009, showing that the market was high during a time when A lot of areas in the IT business were hit with double-digit revenue declines.
“As readers of The Four Hundred know full well, IBM has put business analytics and optimization at the heart of its Smarter Planet marketing strategy. But IBM has yet to launch a Smartie analytics appliance that is based on the Power Systems i platform and exploit some of the advanced features that make it suitable for exactly this kind of work and particularly for AS/400 and i shops that already have their production databases on Power gear and the OS/400, i5/OS, and i For Business operating systems. To my great disappointment.
“Across this combined software category, Gartner reckons that German software giant SAP is the king, and will no doubt improve its position if it prevails in its $5.8 billion acquisition of database maker and analytics expert Sybase, which I told you about in last week's issue. SAP might have been the market leader in the BI-A-PM racket in 2009, with $2.08 billion in revenues and giving it 22.4 percent of the pie, but its business was off six-tenths of a percent, according to Gartner. The acquisition of BusinessObjects helped SAP, but as the big player aimed at large enterprises who slammed on the spending brakes, SAP took the hit.”
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