Business Intelligence Market to Steadily Grow

Mark J

Updated · Feb 22, 2011

According to Gartner, this year will see the business intelligence (BI) market grow by 9.7 percent. This CRN report also says that Gartner predicts a bright future for the BI platforms market, and says it will continue to be one of the fastest growing areas of software worldwide.

“Organisations, according to Gartner, will keep looking at BI as a crucial tool to make their business more efficient, smarter and agile.

“To Ian Bertram, managing vice president at Gartner, the fact that BI investment remains strong is a sign of its strategic importance.

“‘This market segment has remained strong because the dominant vendors continued to put BI, analytics and performance management at the centre of their messaging, while end-user organisations largely continued their BI projects, hoping that resulting transparency and insight will enable them to cut costs and improve productivity and agility down the line,' he said.”

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