California ISO Leverages Location-based Solution for Power Grid Management
California Independent System Operator Corporation (ISO), which manages about 85 percent of California's power load, has incorporated Space-Time Insight's geospatial software applications into its control center. The location-based solution combines real-time geospatial data with Google Maps that gives ISO's employees the data they need in the format most useful to them, GigaOM reports.
The two parties have also been working together on a new cutting-edge control room for ISO, which features an 80-foot x 6.5-foot screen that displays the information collected by Space-Time Insight's geospatial software. ISO leverages the solution for several tasks, including monitoring the wholesale electricity market across thousands of pricing nodes to determine when to purchase energy at the best possible price, according to All Points Blog.

Ainsley Jones is an author who writes about Trending Technology and Big Data, iOS, CRM, Engineering, and other topics. Expertise in: - 17 years of experience as a professional freelancer and technology writer. Expertise in technology trends for both SMBs and enterprises. Expert in email marketing and social media campaigns. Reputable and trusted voice in small-business ecommerce marketing.