Earthlink’s Customer Service Goes High Speed
Internet service provider (ISP) EarthLink, Inc. will make strides in improving customer satisfaction via a newly implemented solution from KANA® — KANA ResponseTM. “EarthLink looked at several other e-mail solutions but chose KANA given its reputation as an industry leader and its ability to provide the best products and services available in the marketplace today,” said Dave Flammia, director of electronic support for EarthLink.
The scalable and comprehensive KANA Response application is capable of handling up to one million e-mail inquiries per month and its features will help shorten Earthlink's e-mail response time. KANA Response provides agent-assisted service with fast, high volume, intelligent, automated e-mail, Web, and instant messaging request management, enabling EarthLink to respond faster and more accurately to employee requests, increasing employee satisfaction and employee productivity. Additionally, KANA Response's reporting features allow the company to categorize and report the most frequently asked consumer service inquiries, creating even greater efficiencies in the contact center for EarthLink.
“KANA Response is an ideal solution for EarthLink and many other organizations that face an increasing number of inbound e-mail inquiries and are seeking a cost-effective way to provide extraordinary customer service,” said Bud Michael, executive vice president of products and marketing for KANA. “As companies like EarthLink continue to move customer service to the Web, KANA's market-leading e-mail management solution enables them to scale to very high levels of concurrent users while reducing costs in the contact center.”
Headquartered in Atlanta, EarthLink provides a full range of innovative access, hosting and e-commerce solutions to approximately 4.8 million subscribers every day over a nationwide network of dial-up points of presence, as well as high-speed access and wireless technologies.
Based in Menlo Park, Calif. with 22 global locations, KANA provides external facing eCRM solutions to more than 1,200 companies, including American Airlines, Canon, Cisco, CitiGroup, Ford, General Motors, Home Depot, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, and Staples.