Eight Free Tools for Tuning Up Online Ad Campaigns

Michelle Megna

Updated · Nov 20, 2008

Managing a pay-per-click ad campaign isn't easy — it takes constant attention. And some days you're just not inspired to think of hundreds of variations of a keyword or check their density on a page, or to research the competition or to format everything for maximum performance. To help, we offer the following free tools to assist you in your online advertising efforts and help you boost visits to your Web shop

Keyword research company Wordtracker today launched “Keyword Questions”, a free tool that lets Web shop owners find the specific questions that people type into search engines. The answers to these questions can inspire you to create interesting Web copy that can help pick up additional search traffic.

According to Ken McGaffin, chief marketing officer, “People have a ton of questions about all sorts of things and people will go straight to a search engine to find the answers. Just enter a keyword and we'll give you up to 100 questions that people have asked.”

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