Employees Tap Into Business Intelligence Mobile Apps
One of the hottest emerging technologies to arrive on the enterprise scene is mobile business intelligence (mobile BI). As reported on Network World, mobile business intelligence employees eagerly tap and scroll through business data looking at daily sales pipelines, recent activity among key customers, and real-time revenue trends on their iPhones and iPads.
“CIO Joe Beery of Life Technologies has found an answer to the age-old question, ‘What has IT done for me lately?' Earlier this year, he gave top executives and a pilot group of sales folks and finance staff one of the hottest emerging technologies to arrive on the enterprise scene: mobile business intelligence.
“Now, employees eagerly tap and scroll through business data looking at daily sales pipelines, recent activity among key customers, and real-time revenue trends on their iPhones and iPads. ‘It definitely helps your credibility,' says Beery at Life Technologies, a publicly traded biotech company based in southern California. ‘You want to know what we've done? Well, here it is.'”
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