Enterprise Suite CRM Market Leaders

Mark J

Updated · Aug 13, 2010

This article on Destination CRM takes a look at Enterprise Suite CRM market leaders. Included in the leader list is Microsoft, NetSuite, Oracle, and RightNow Technologies, and Salesforce.com. The article pegs Salesforce.com as the winner and NetSuite as the company to watch.

“Microsoft improved slightly in both customer satisfaction and depth of functionality. Jacobs lauds the company for tying online services—particularly payment abilities—into Microsoft Dynamics CRM. ‘[Microsoft] is broadening the idea of CRM and enabling users to do all sorts of things involving new interactions and touch points,' he says. Still, its depth-of-functionality score (3.1) is lowest among the leaders, and analysts knock the limited distribution. ‘Microsoft is on the lower end of the enterprise scale,' Jacobs says.”

Read the Full “Market Leaders: Enterprise Suite CRM” Story at Destination CRM

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