ERP Deployment: Don’t Be Another Horror Story

Mark J

Updated · Jun 18, 2010

Since the mid-90's enterprise resource planning (ERP) suites have provided organizations with success, but horror stories from misaligned deployments should not be ignored. According to this article on GCN, millions of dollars have been lost in the pursuit of centralizing management of enterprise data.

“‘The path to success is littered with programs that have failed or where the plug has been pulled before they ever even get to a prototype of the system,' said David Lucas, chief strategy officer for Global Computer Enterprises, a system integrator. ‘There are many multi-$100 million failures.'

“Terry Hurst, director of Information Systems Management Services at the Health and Human Services Department, agreed. ‘I've been doing ERP implementations for 15 years with various companies,' he said. “I've had good experiences, bad experiences and failures, so I've covered the gamut.”

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