Extreme CRM Makeover, Open Source Edition – Episode 3

Mark J

Updated · Aug 09, 2010

In the first episode of Extreme CRM Makeover, Network World looked at American Bancard, the company who would be receiving the Extreme CRM Makeover. The company was currently using a home grown CRM solution and was very close to signing with Saleforce.com for a new CRM.

“I had a chance to sit down with Steve Scop, CTO at American Bancard and discuss this in depth. The homegrown CRM solution that Amercian Bancard was using had been outgrown some time ago. While Scop and his team could have tried to upgrade the existing system, that path was fraught with risk. It is based on a LAMP stack, but documentation was poor. Operations and finance use the system for information gathering and could not afford a loss of service or data. Upgrading one part of the system, could break another part. Steve and his team also wanted to much more out of the CRM team. They envisioned a CRM that would also handle marketing.”

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