From Consumer to Enterprise Mobile Apps

Mark J

Updated · Aug 24, 2010

According to recent research from Frost & Sullivan, mobile enterprise applications are projected to total $10.9 billion in annual revenues by 2015. As noted in this report on CTO Edge, the four main categories of mobile enterprise applications include mobile office, mobile workforce management, mobile field asset management and mobile sales force automation (SFA).

“Judging by the sheer number of vendors in the sales force automation space, you'd think more end users would find such mobile applications more relevant. But of those 40 percent eschewing the technology, 70 percent of those simply said there was no need for the application.

“However, those who do use mobile sales force automation applications seem to be pretty happy with them. Of those respondents currently using them, a whopping 59 percent plan to expand their use or application within 12 months.”

Read the Full “Making the Most of Mobile Applications” Story at CTO Edge

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