How Optimized Appliances Changes Real Time Business Analytics

Mark J

Updated · Sep 28, 2010

In the IT industry, optimized appliances (software-plus-hardware systems) look to be game changers as they can help companies make the leap into the demanding world of real-time business. As noted in this report on Information Week, enterprise software for business analytics has become so complex that servers can't exploit the full range of insights and opportunities that today's top software can deliver.

“These optimized machines are in full ascendancy at this time because they're the most powerful and highest-value delivery platforms for some dazzling new software applications and technologies designed to analyze not just bigger mountains of data, but to do so in less time and with greater insights and with almost-unlimited variations.

“Today's next-generation enterprise software is bringing alive the promise of business analytics, predictive analytics, real-time analytics, real-time OLTP, staggeringly large databases, and the soaring volumes of queries triggered by many millions of mobile business users. In doing so, it has become so powerful and so complex that generic servers–even the biggest and gnarliest boxes–simply can't exploit the full range of insights, foresights, and opportunities that today's top software can deliver.

“And in response, every single major IT company–hardware vendors, software vendors, and the crossovers as well–is rushing in with its own combinations (Oracle and IBM) or in partnerships (everyone else). Here's a sampling of what several of those companies have been saying about customer interest in highly optimized and integrated systems, and why they're so bullish on the opportunity.”

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