IBM Helps FAA with Data Analytics

Mark J

Updated · Mar 31, 2010

The FAA and IBM are collaborating on a research project aimed at protecting the U.S. civilian aviation system from cyber attacks using security analytics technologies.

"The pilot makes use of recently released IBM software called InfoSphere Streams, which was developed in conjunction with the Department of Defense and can perform realtime analytics on heavy throughput data streams of up to millions of events or messages per second," writes InformationWeek's J. Nicholas Hoover.

"Currently, the FAA is carrying out its research, which began within the last two months, in a lab that isn't connected to the rest of the FAA's operational systems," Hoover writes. "Over the course of a 10-month test, the FAA will be stressing the InfoSphere Streams software to see if it can handle the type and volume of data the FAA could eventually throw at it if a deployment is in the offing."

Click on the following to read the InformationWeek article: FAA Teams With IBM on Cybersecurity

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