Information Builders Enhances Business Intelligence Application Staff

Updated · Apr 13, 2010

Information Builders has announced WebFOCUS 8, the company's new BI platform that offers an integrated Performance Management Framework (PMF). The company's on-site news release, states that WebFOCUS Active Technologies have been enhanced to allow users to create portable BI applications, not just interactive reports and analytics. These applications incorporate
dash-boarding, ad hoc reporting, animated charting, and data sets into a massively deployable single document for disconnected users.

“Enhancements to the WebFOCUS platform include a new BI Portal for robust dashboard solutions, including role- and user-based customization. Developers can build and deploy dashboard applications based on roles and security as defined in the platform's enhanced security system. End users can even design and personalize their own dashboard environment. Personalization includes the use of the innovative ribbon-based interface, which now extends consistently across the BI Portal and InfoAssist tools. The WebFOCUS InfoAssist ad hoc tool also provides levels of customization to extend the use of ad hoc query and reporting to the broadest range of end users regardless of skill level. Other vendor tools typically offer only power user tools and limited static output, creating a broad information gap, resulting in unused software licenses.

“WebFOCUS Active Technologies have been enhanced to allow users to create portable BI applications, not just interactive reports and analytics. These applications incorporate robust dashboarding, ad hoc reporting, animated charting, and data sets into a massively deployable single document for disconnected users.”

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