Is Google Looking to Join The CRM Market?

Mark J

Updated · Feb 10, 2011

Already emerging as an enterprise apps contender, Lauren Carlson discusses the topic of Google (NASDAQ: GOOG‎) entering the customer relationship management (CRM) market in this post on The Software Advice Blog.
According to Carlson, by positioning themselves as the provisioning hub in this ecosystem of cloud applications, Google gains considerable leverage to gauge the demand and utilization of applications.

“Through the success of Google Apps, Google has has emerged as an enterprise apps contender. While their success to date has largely been with SMBs and early cloud adopters, the momentum is evident. Initially, Google targeted personal productivity and collaboration – Gmail, Calendar, Docs, etc. However, we're wondering how long it will be before Google drives deeper into the enterprise. For example, will Google enter the customer relationship management (CRM) market?”

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