Kana Licenses Jabber
Kana , which provides “external-facing eCRM solutions,” said it has licensed the Jabber Communications Platform (JCP) from Jabber Inc., a developer of software for extensible instant messaging.
Kana will use Jabber's JCP to provides a international collaborative environment for Kana's developers. JCP will help Kana to speed enhancements and production of its iCARE suite, and will enable Kana's customers, partners and employees to contribute to the development process, officials said. With this new communication tool, Kana can more easily consider recommendations and suggestions for product enhancements from its customers, partners and employees, Jabber said.
“More and more we find that Jabber is chosen, not just for its IM and collaboration features,” commented Don Bergal, vice president of marketing for Jabber, “but for its ability to tie messaging together with presence, identity and delivery of content to other services.”
Nearly 1,200 companies worldwide are using Kana's eCRM products to drive better relationships through effective, efficient interactions with customers at all points of contact — Web collaboration, phone, e-mail and live chat. Kana iCARE includes an ultra-scalable contact center solution, an in- and out-bound e-mail management system, a robust knowledge base for self- and assisted-service, and sophisticated marketing and analytics, Kana officials said.
Bob Woods is the managing editor of InstantMessagingPlanet.com.Read next /*More Posts By Bob Woods */ ?>