Lawson ‘Internal Cloud Service’ for Enterprise ERP Software Staff

Updated · Apr 27, 2010

Lawson Software has announced the second phase of its Lawson Cloud Services for enterprise software. According to the company's product release statement, the new service, Lawson Internal Cloud Services, will bring the benefits of virtualization and cloud computing to customers who want to have an on-premise deployment of their Lawson solutions. Also mentioned in the release,
is that the Lawson Internal Cloud Services features two ‘virtual appliances'; Lawson Smart Office and Lawson Enterprise Search.

“‘This is the freedom of separating enterprise software from the machines,' said Jeff Comport, senior vice president of Lawson product management. ‘The old model of one app per machine will disappear and the days of hundreds of underused machines crowded together in a data center are numbered. With the Lawson Cloud Console, enterprise software will become liquid, fluidly moving to available machines. This approach takes virtualization to a new level and makes it real for enterprise applications because the Virtual Appliance model gives the application the information it needs to operate in a virtualized environment – something the virtualization vendors cannot provide.'

“The Lawson Cloud Console is the same tool Lawson itself will use to manage customers who choose Lawson External Cloud Services available on Amazon Web Services for off-premise deployment of their Lawson systems. The Lawson Cloud Console will help Lawson efficiently and effectively manage customer deployments on Amazon Web Services.”

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