More Greenberg CRM Watch List for 2011
In Part 3 of Paul Greenberg's lengthy CRM Watchlist for 2011, he discusses the CRM companies that are not
perceived to be full-service suite providers or even long time veterans of the CRM market. Those included in the new round-up include Marketo, Eloqua, Infusionsoft, Sword-Ciboodle, Moxie and others in the customer service category.
“What I'm going to give you here are the names of companies that aren't the full service suite providers or even long time veterans of the CRM market but those that tend to specialize in a particular one of the pillars one way or the other. That means, since this is a CRM Watchlist, you will NOT see pure play social media companies here (though in a later post you'll see the social media and community platforms that have taken CRM integration seriously. They count in this.) What you will see is companies that provide technologies for enabling marketing, customer service and sales.
“I'd particularly take a look at the customer service category, primarily because customer service is what drives Social CRM, unlike its traditional cousin, CRM, which was driven by sales.”
Read the Full Story at Social CRM: The Conversation