NetLedger Offers Commissions
NetLedger, a San Mateo, Calif.-based ASP, today announced Sales Compensation Manager, a Web-based service designed to allow mid-sized businesses to design, track and pay sales commissions based on criteria such as quota, product quantity, service items and more.
Sales Compensation Manager will be included in NetCRM and NetSuite and is designed to allow finance departments to automatically process commission payments with a single click thanks to payroll integration. NetLedger's NetSuite is a turnkey service designed to integrate front-office capabilities (i.e., NetCRM) with back-office functionality (i.e., NetLedger Advanced Accounting).
“There are two things that drive sales teams: booking orders and getting paid for booking orders,” said Zach Nelson, CEO of NetLedger. “To date, only million-dollar solutions could manage complex commission processes. Now customers can get this Fortune 500 feature for $50 per month.”
NetLedger reports that executives, sales managers and finance managers can manage compensation rules within commission schedules through a spreadsheet-like interface. These schedules, NetLedger says, allow commission formulas to represent a flat rate or be scaled progressively based on a range of criteria. Commission schedules are then rolled up into complete commission plans.
NetLedger reports that Sales Compensation Manager can also provide sales people with real-time commission visibility. Each sales representative's CRM Dashboard is automatically updated with commission totals the moment an order is placed. Also, NetCRM's Forecast Editor is designed to display projected commissions based on forecast.
Sales compensation manager will be available later this summer at no additional charge to NetCRM or NetSuite customers.
NetLedger is listed by ASPnews as a Top 20 Service Provider.
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