Oracle Urges E-Business Suite Users to Upgrade

Mark J

Updated · Jun 16, 2010

Despite a long list of features in the current release, EBS 12.1, few EBS users have upgraded so far. As mentioned in this Business Week report, new features cover areas such as manufacturing, warehouse management, global tax calculation, patch automation and mobile integration. Also, Premier Support for EBS 11.5.10 officially ends in November.

“Premier Support for EBS 11.5.10 officially ends in November, meaning users who choose to stay on that edition would normally face additional maintenance fees for Extended Support. Last year, citing the bad economy, Oracle announced that it would waive Extended Support fees for one year on a number of products, including 11.5.10.

“In any event, it seems that few EBS users have upgraded to R12 so far. Altimeter Group estimates that roughly 5 percent of EBS installed base is running either version 12 or 12.1, said Ray Wang, a partner in the analyst firm.”

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