ParAccel Partners for In-Database Analytics

Mark J

Updated · Mar 15, 2011

High-performance analytics platform provider, ParAccel, Inc., has announced the integration of the ParAccel Analytic Database (PADB) and DB Lytix from Fuzzy Logix. The integration,
according to the company news release on Business Wire, introduces additional analytic libraries that leverage PADB's ability to execute advanced analytics directly inside the database. They were developed in close partnership with Fuzzy Logix, a leading provider of innovative analytics solutions.

“Customers can now reduce cycle times up to 70 percent by eliminating the need to copy and replicate data to specialized platforms for advanced analytics. Moving the analytics inside the database also provides more reliable and precise results based on a full available dataset rather than a limited subset. Because the additional functions can be leveraged using standard Structured Query Language (SQL) and business intelligence tools, companies can easily accelerate their use of sophisticated advanced analytics across the organization.

“Now organizations can choose from hundreds of additional pre-built functions in their analysis, removing the need to spend time and money to create functions such as Monte Carlo simulations or multiple regression for their analyses. Fuzzy Logix and ParAccel are also working in tandem to provide a unique library of advanced functions for Financial Services that will be released later this year.”

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