Pentaho Improves Business Intelligence App Development

Mark J

Updated · Apr 01, 2010

Open source business intelligence software provider Pentaho says the newest version of its software will make it easier for organizations to build and deploy business intelligence solutions.

"The company said that Pentaho Data Integration (PDI) 4.0 would radically change the way that BI applications were built," writes Network World's Maxwell Cooter. "The philosophy behind the product is that all the steps in the BI implementation are collapsed together so the development and implementation of BI products are can be speeded up."

"The company was hoping to bring BI to a wider audience by making it easier for end users to participate in product development," Cooter writes. "PDI 4.0 reduces the number of development steps before results can be visualized, which helps BI projects to be completed much faster, claimed the company."

Click on the following to read the Network World article: Pentaho offers BI users closer involvement in development

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