Relizon Will Buy Epsilon Staff

Updated · Aug 22, 2001

Relizon, a Dayton, Ohio, customer relationship management (CRM) specialist, will buy Epsilon, a Burlington, Mass., marking software firm, for an undisclosed sum.

The Epsilon name as well as its management team will remain intact post-merger. Relizon will fold its eCRM business into Epsilon.

“Epsilon's experience and expertise in direct and database marketing — particularly data mining and data analytics — will allow us to offer customers a more robust
and complete set of marketing solutions,” said Rodney A. Hedeen, Relizon's president and CEO.

Corey V. Torrence, who will continue as president of the newly expanded Epsilon, said, “This agreement is a winner for clients of both firms. We share the
same intense commitment to our customers, and now we'll be able to offer them a full range of solutions for internal and external communications.”

Torrence has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and consulting, having served as president and CEO of Epsilon, president and CEO of Logica North
America, and in senior posts within AT&T Solutions, SHL Systemhouse, Inc., McKinsey & Company and Andersen Consulting.

Relizon was created in August 2000 when The Reynolds and Reynolds Company sold its Information Solutions Group to The Carlyle Group. Relizon posted annual
revenues of more than $800 million in its most recent fiscal year.

Epsilon is a privately owned. In 2000, Epsilon realized annual revenues of approximately $120 million and recently announced that earnings for the quarter ended
June 30, 2001 increased nearly three-fold over the same period a year ago. Epsilon's client base includes Celulares Telefonica, Citrix Systems, Hilton Hotels and
National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

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