SAS CEO Named in CEO Vision Awards

Mark J

Updated · Dec 06, 2010

This year's set of CEO Vision Awards go to an interesting mix of executives from across the technology industry landscape. Award winners include Jim Goodnight, of enterprise apps vendor SAS and the CEO of LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner.

“Then there's Jim Goodnight, of enterprise apps vendor SAS, ‘easily one of the top tech CEOs who's not a household name,' said Paul Shread, editor of our sister site eCRM Guide. ‘Thirty-four straight years of revenue growth, and he's been at the helm the whole time.'

“There are some other great stories in the feature that follows. Joe Tucci, CEO of EMC (NYSE: EMC), continues to drive his company's aggressive acquisition strategy. Rashmi Sinha of SlideShare has evolved her company's innovative presentation-sharing service, leveraging both cloud technology and a “freemium” payment model, augmented this year by a “Pro” level of paid services. Also new to this year's list are Kevin Johnson, CEO of Cisco's archrival, Juniper Networks, and Andi Gutmans, CEO of Zend, the lead sponsor of PHP.”

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