Sterling Announces New Business Intelligence Strategy
Sterling Commerce has announced a new business intelligence strategy for its supply chain applications.
"Sterling said its strategy is to make applications smarter by embedding BI into critical supply chain processes," according to "In this way, the applications will provide customers with the data about key performance indicators (KPIs) they need to drive business performance and improve decision making processes, the solution provider said."
"The BI strategy applies to Sterling's Selling and Fulfillment Suite, which manages the inquiry-to-cash process across selling and fulfillment channels," the article states. "The suite has incorporated these capabilities to improve how users make critical decisions by providing all available information regarding performance to enable customers to make process improvements by leveraging reports and dashboards of historical data ‘on the process.'"
"When you look at business intelligence, most companies offer capabilities that report on the process, focused on trends, not real-time execution data," says company vice president Cory Wiegert. "The key is to leverage analytics technology to provide data to users when they are engaged in the process, enabling the applications to drive processes, rather than simply report or alert on them.”
Click on the following to read the article: Sterling Commerce Embeds Business Intelligence in Supply Chain Apps