Symbol Picks Up ImageWare

Thor Olavsrud

Updated · Feb 27, 2003

Looking to enhance the in-store customer shopping solutions of its mobile
commerce initiative, Holtsville, NY-based Symbol Technologies Thursday acquired ImageWare Technologies' software and assets.

The two companies did not disclose the terms of the deal.

Symbol specializes in the use of handheld computers and wireless data and
voice networks to scan bar codes on the retail floor (and for logistics and
transportation companies).

The acquisition forwards Symbol's ambition to offer an end-to-end in-store
CRM solution which promises what Symbol refers to as “client anywhere —
data anywhere and everywhere.” The plan calls for Symbol to integrate
ImageWare's software with its computing, wireless local area networking and
bar code scanning product set.

The deal brings Symbol ImageWare's one-to-one Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) and Mass-Customization software for the retail
marketplace, including its ImageMate, ImageWorks Enterprise, eSP and
MyClientBook applications.

It will integrate the software with its mobile Point of Sale (POS), product
locator, mobile voice over IP, and integrated mobile payment solutions. In
addition, it plans to use ImageWare's embedded .NET/XML/SOAP integration
layer to help its own technologies co-exist and share data with both new
and legacy enterprise solutions like third-party POS, data marts and
warehouses, merchandising and centralized CRM/Campaign Management systems.

Together Symbol said its technologies and ImageWare's applications will
give retailers the ability to coordinate sales activity, update client
profiles, review purchase history, check sizes and measurement, track
preferences and wish list items, make suggestions, track shopping
frequency, plan follow-up calls, schedule appointments, and send out-bound
correspondence — all from a Symbol handheld. The software will also give
users access to purchase and client information, as well as sales force
automation tools and support for ad hoc queries and reporting on collected

Symbol is also looking for opportunities on the OEM front.

Bryan Amaral, ImageWare's founder and chief executive officer will join
Symbol as vice president of clienteling and personalization solutions for
Symbol's Retail-Mobile Commerce Division.

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