Tealeaf Offers New Customer Experience Management Software
Tealeaf has announced new features to deliver successful online customer experiences in Tealeaf 8, its customer behavior analysis suite. In the company's product release statement, the company said one new feature in Tealeaf 8 leverages algorithmic discovery to automatically surface the highest-impact customer facing issues and display them in a new, real-time dashboard. According to the company, this will direct attention to exactly where users are struggling the most at any given moment, enabling businesses to respond to the issues their customers are encountering as they occur, rather than relying on after-the-fact analysis.
“Tealeaf, the leader in online customer experience management (CEM) software, today announced Tealeaf 8, bringing powerful real-time customer behavior analysis to ebusiness teams. Tealeaf 8's powerful new business-focused functionality includes:
“New Customer Struggle Scores: Tealeaf 8 measures site experience in real-time by identifying patterns of behavior that signify customer struggle, then compares and scores them against established business baselines.
“New Innovative Early Warning System: Tealeaf 8 leverages algorithmic discovery to automatically surface the highest-impact customer facing issues and display them in a new, real-time Top Movers & Drivers dashboard. This will direct attention to exactly where users are struggling the most at any given moment, enabling businesses to respond to the issues their customers are encountering as they occur, rather than relying on after-the-fact analysis.
“New Pioneering Analysis Workbench for ebusiness: Tealeaf 8 enables deep analysis of customer experience issues and their sources — including their business impact — as well as advanced segmentation via a new intuitive, drag-and-drop Dimensional Report Builder designed specifically for ebusiness analysts.”
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