Trial Opens for Oracle, SAP Copyright Case

Mark J

Updated · Nov 04, 2010

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) argues that it is owed $2 billion from its competitor SAP (NYSE: SAP). As reported by NY Times, SAP has already admitted that it infringed on Oracle's copyrights and has conceded liability. At issue is how much money SAP will pay in damages.

“Oracle has argued for $2 billion, and SAP has countered that tens of millions of dollars would be enough. It has set aside $160 million to cover the cost.

“For most people in the technology industry, though, the trial is a forum for Lawrence J. Ellison, Oracle's outspoken chief executive, to go after Léo Apotheker, SAP's former chief executive and now chief executive of Hewlett-Packard. H.P. had been a close partner of Oracle's, but in recent months the companies have become rivals.”

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