Using Semantics to Streamline Information Management

Mark J

Updated · Jul 06, 2010

When enterprises use semantic intelligence, this Information Management reports says the result enables finding and extracting knowledge and information from all data sources, including structured and unstructured, and internal and external sources—ultimately allowing for more informed decision making.

“A company's enterprise content management strategy is a complex approach involving many layers. At the core of ECM is the attempt to maximize business intelligence. The challenge is, while businesses grow and the intelligence within that business becomes more complex, the needs for BI evolve as well. As more data is being stored in both structured and unstructured formats, within the organization and externally, ECM strategies have to incorporate technologies to not only locate information, but locate the most appropriate data in a timely manner.

“When searching on the Web, everyone knows which search engines to call upon. But when it comes to searching internally for information, we ask around the office and then run a search on the company network ¬– fingers crossed and hoping for the best. Is that really the best way to locate necessary data? In order to locate and analyze all of the structured and unstructured forms of data, BI needs to be taken up a notch. This is where semantic intelligence comes in. By incorporating semantics into the mix, solutions can not only locate all the available pieces of data, but analyze the information to make sure the user gets only the most appropriate data. Semantic Intelligence is the incorporation of semantic technology into the traditional business intelligence practices, resulting in finding and extracting knowledge and information from all data sources, including structured and unstructured, and internal and external sources—ultimately allowing for more informed decision making.”

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