Zettaset Raises Millions to Orchestrate Big Data
There has been a lot of Big Money invested in Big Data in recent years. You can now add Big Data orchestration startup Zettaset to the list.
Zettaset recently announced that it has raised $10 million in a new series B round of financing. The new round includes the participation of networking vendor Brocade as well as HighBar Partners and Epic Ventures. All told, to date Zettaset has now raised $13 million.
What is Zettaset doing with all that money?
Easing Hadoop Complexity
“We are able to deploy Hadoop infrastructure across clusters, mainly with software and without professional services,” Jim Vogt, CEO of Zettaset told EnterpriseAppsToday. “The software also allows us to transparently add functionality that is not available in open source Hadoop.”
More high-availability options, improved performance and security comprise the additional functionality that Zettaset adds to Hadoop, Vogt added.
On the security front, the Zettaset Orchestrator 5.9 platform is set for release in the coming weeks. Vogt noted that his company is meeting the requirements that enterprises already have, including role-based access control, visibility and logging capabilities.
“All of the things that you'd expect to see for technology in a production data center, that's essentially what we're buffering in our software solution,” he said.
In Vogt's opinion, deploying open source Hadoop and its required components is not an easy task for the average enterprise and data center administrator. His company's goal is to remove the complexity.
“You don't need to be a mechanic to drive a car,” Vogt said. “Similarly you shouldn't need to have to train an army of Hadoop experts to get up and running on Big Data.”
Brocade Partnership
Brocade isn't just a strategic investor in Zettaset. Vogt also sees them as a strategic partner. He noted that Brocade touches thousands of enterprises and will be able to help create demand for the Zettaset solution. In addition, there is the potential to integrate Zettaset with Brocade's ADX application delivery controller portfolio at some point.
“They (Brocade) really want to grow their IP business and getting into Hadoop implementations someone needs to switch the clusters,” Vogt said. “That's the fit for us right now.”
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at InternetNews.com, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network. Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist.

Sean Michael is a writer who focuses on innovation and how science and technology intersect with industry, technology Wordpress, VMware Salesforce, And Application tech. TechCrunch Europas shortlisted her for the best tech journalist award. She enjoys finding stories that open people's eyes. She graduated from the University of California.