Social CRM Brings Social Media Data Into Business Focus

Pedro Hernandez

Updated · Jan 28, 2013

Businesses rely significantly on social media to support sales, marketing and customer support goals. An organization’s social channels allow it to reach customers instantly, understand customer needs, gauge brand sentiment, see how it compares competitively and much more.

Many business professionals are gaining greater access to their company’s social data but are not quite sure what to do with it. If you are among them, implementing social CRM processes can help you organize, analyze and act upon social data to achieve revenue-generating benefits.

A social CRM or contact management system can function as your business command center, supplementing contact, company and industry information with social data including profiles and comments. Integrating your CRM database with Microsoft Office, Gmail, email marketing and other Web services can help you better leverage this customer intelligence.

With these essentials in place, you can begin building processes that aid business development. A sales representative, for example, may view a customer’s LinkedIn profile inside their contact record to identify similar prospects who previously viewed the profile and send a connection request, a private message or include them in an industry-specific email campaign.

Social CRM systems also let users proactively communicate with individuals or groups of customers and prospects using specific social channels right from within the system. An intuitive system can set hash tags to manage Twitter communications with a particular set of customers, such as a user group – broadcasting relevant information just for them, and receiving feedback just from them on any topics of choice.

Social Process Integration

Taking inventory of your company’s core social media channels will help you identify which communication processes are most vital to your business. Examples include:

Establishing processes that connect customers who Like your company’s Facebook page with sales reps who can contact them directly. Likewise, scanning for negative comments about your product and automatically opening a support ticket for someone to reach out to that customer.

Finding new leads by searching social profiles for connections through your best customers, the rationale being “a business friend of a business friend is a potential friend of my business.”

Sending welcome letters to customers’ social profiles letting them know who you are and that special Facebook friend offers are available.

Engaging people in their preferred social networks where they might also share referrals about their positive customer experiences.

Such activities develop warm leads for your sales team and create groups you can nurture with content marketing campaigns. Meanwhile, your CRM application tracks all customer interactions – social and otherwise such as email, phone and sales visits – plus cross-functional employee actions that occur along the way.

Adding Social Business Analytics

Feeding your social data into analytics engines can provide data visualizations that help you recognize and drill into trends regarding your best sales influencers, brand or product sentiment, and who is or isn’t being engaged properly within your customer base.  These processes combine elements of social, mobile and analytics to fully leverage the multiple customer data sources in your contact and customer management system.

Parsing through social media feeds to identify actionable keywords or phrases is yet another valuable process. For example, searching customer and prospect profiles for words indicating merger and acquisition activity can help a change management consultant identify new business development opportunities since M&A activity suggests his or her services are applicable.

Social CRM systems are expanding their value by better applying the insights people share via social networks to sales opportunities. It is ultimately the responsibility of businesses to leverage social tools within their existing systems, or implement new systems that best supports sales and customer support goals. Keeping these kinds of social data integrations in mind can aid your business in either case.

Bejamin Lederer is senior product manager for the Sage ACT! contact and customer management system, supporting over 3 million individuals plus 60,000 additional business workgroups. Ben and his team create automation systems that help small and midsize businesses achieve their sales, marketing and customer experience goals.

  • CRM
  • Research
  • Pedro Hernandez
    Pedro Hernandez

    Pedro Hernandez contributes to Enterprise Apps Today, and 11Press, the technology network. He was previously the managing editor of, an IT-related website network. He has expertise in Smart Tech, CRM, and Mobile Tech, Helping Banks and Fintechs, Telcos and Automotive OEMs, and Healthcare and Identity Service Providers to Protect Mobile Apps.

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