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Melaney Smith

Is Your Site Ready for the Holidays?

The holiday shopping season is already upon us. Is your site ready? Jupiter Research (a unit of this site’s parent corporation) forecasts online holiday sales will grow from 2002’s $13.8 billion to $16.8 billion this year. Good news for e-tailers!…

More Data Than Budget, Part 2

This column is the second in a series for data-starved, financially challenged marketers struggling to make decisions without access to critical data. We’re looking at tricks for getting seemingly unobtainable data, no matter how low-tech or manual the process. In…

More Data Than Budget, Part 1

In last summer’s Choosing Your Perfect Software Match series, I shared results of my interview with Jupiter Senior Analyst Matthew Berk [Jupiter Research is owned by eCRMGuide’s corporate parent]. We discussed “Berk’s List” of the best analytics tools for evaluating…


Mark Sakalosky’s ClickZ column, Fluffing the Numbers, included a thought-provoking hypothetical story about how the online world might operate if our ad rates were set using an artificial “sweeps” period, as TV rates are. I read his piece the same…

In-House Market Research

In my last column, I mentioned using new employees to help take a fresh look at your site, to see it with “virgin eyes,” as one reader put it. It’s not that hard to do but requires you to check…

Who Are Your Best Customers?

Do you know who your best customers are? (Some of you will admit you don’t. You probably attribute that to your inability to get reliable customer data. We’ll deal with that in another column.) Those of you who do say…