TenDigits Puts Microsoft Dynamics CRM on Android Smartphones and Tablets
TenDigits Software has announced availability of a version 5.0 of its MobileAccess mobility platform that provides all mobile users – not just mobile workers on a Microsoft-based mobile operating system – with access to Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
MobileAccess is a server-based mobile CRM platform – a single product that can be customized for all users and all devices across any organization. An organization's unique Microsoft Dynamics CRM configuration only has to be done once on the server and the changes are automatically applied to all users and all types of devices.
Featured in the version 5.0 release is of MobileAccess mobility platform is support that is specially designed to capitalize on the capabilities of Google's Android platform. According to data from Nielsen, the Android operating system (OS) claims the largest share of the U.S. consumer smartphone market with 39 percent, followed by Apple's iOS is in second place with 28 percent.
Designed to provide Android users with a comprehensive approach to the access and use of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, this version of MobileAccess combines its “always available” capability with a highly-adaptable configuration and unique data entry options that include support for GPS, photo, audio and video and accelerated data entry.
“We wanted to provide a Mobile CRM solution for Android that is as comprehensive as our award-winning BlackBerry solution,” said Sean Gocher, CEO at TenDigits. “And the diversity of Android smartphones and tablets means our customers have a lot of choices in terms of form factor and hardware capabilities.”
MobileAccess offers two device clients: the SmartClient delivers a number of unique mobile CRM features and supports integration with native smartphone applications on all Blackberry devices and Android phones and tablets. Other mobile devices are supported through the SmartBrowser client – a more universal client – which was introduced in the last MobileAccess update in September.
Following its September MobileAccess release, in a conversation with Enterprise Apps Today, TenDigits said it was also working on a SmartClient for Apple iOS.

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